1. The geopolicy of the earth circling Khaan of Khaans Belt
    Even today the geopolicy is not fully explained concept. It is not only about the geographical locations and their plus and minuses. It is about the origin of the land and its freshwater distribution. Nations are born at certain geographical location but the water that they drink and the soil on where they were born are key concepts of geopolicy. In other words, earth crust development, freshwater distribution and its quality are the key concepts of geopolicy. It doesn’t only base on geographical locations or coordinates. Those factors play the key role in forming the nations and even mankind’s origin is related with them. But scientists and politicians usually miss it. From ancient times these factors like the geologic times scale, earth crust development were the main concept of Mongolian geopolicy called the earth circling Khaan of Khaans Belt. It is ancient Mongolian state philosophy that has been determining the world geopolicy until today. And also it will determine the mankind’s future geopolicy. 
  2. The law of nature determines the flexibility of geopolicy
    Geopolicy determines the success and fall of every nation. A nation will succeed if its geopolicy meets the requirements of the law of nature of that location where they live. If not, it will fall. The culture of any nation is highly influenced by their origin. State flags and symbols that they use show their origin and the natural time when they were born. The traditional way of governing also shows the place and the time of their origin because the land where they live creates their culture and the belief. Therefore geopolicy is not only about estimating strategic and economic advantages and disadvantages of the current geographical location. It is about estimating the time or geological age when their land was formed and what kind of environment and criteria it creates for the people who live on it.
  3. The success of geopolicy depends on the harmony with the law of nature
    From ancient times it was important to carry out geopolicy that suits the law of nature. If we look back at earth history we can understand that kings who could bring prosperity to their people carried out geopolicy that suited the law of nature. Such nations could start their own Golden Age. Even today in our modern time, it is still important that world leaders pay attention to their policy and try to carry out right policy suitable to the law of nature because prosperity of their nations depends on it. World scientists will research the geopolicy of the earth circling Khaan of Khaans Belt and its philosophy to restore the natural order. Understanding what is the geopolicy of the earth circling Khaan of Khaans Belt and its philosophy we can solve the world crisis that’s endangering our existence.
  4. A geopolicy that suits the law of nature can bring Golden Age
    Any country that carries out geopolicy that suits the law of nature reaches the Golden Age that will bring whole new level of progress to them. In other words key to prosperity is to find the right geopolicy that suits the law of nature of the current geographical locations where nations live. Countries that exist in different geographical locations can’t have single geopolicy. They should have their own geopolicy that meets the need of their land or geographical location.
  5. The geopolicy that goes against the law of nature bring only disaster and poverty
    The geopolicy that goes against the law of nature will bring only disaster and poverty. It doesn’t matter if the country is prospering because such success can’t guaranty the stable and prosperous future.
  6. The Khaan of Khaans Belt carries out the world geopolicy according to the law of nature 
    The Khaan of Khaans Belt carries out the world geopolicy. It divides all nations into groups by their origin and geographical characteristics of their lands. In other words, countries with the same origin and geographical characteristics are concluded into one group. Thus it divides the mankind into six zones or belts depending on their origin, geographical characteristics. Such division is the main concept of geopolicy of the earth circling Khaan of Khaans Belt. Every country must have geopolicy that suits the requirement of the zone where they belong. Thus Khaan of Khaans Belt creates suitable environment for mankind to live and prevent the cultural conflicts.
  7. The geopolicy of The Khaan of Khaans Belt in science
    The existence of the Khaan of Khaans Belt and its geopolicy can be proven by researching the Khaan of Khaans philosophy. It is ancient Mongolian royal philosophy. According to it, each country determines its statehood policy based on dominant geographical characteristics (earth crust age, geologic time scale) of their land. If we check the history of a country that experienced Golden Age we can easily know their origin and its time.
  8. The geopolicy of Khaan of Khaans Belt in social and natural science
    The earth circling Khaan of Khaans Belt keeps the harmony of social and natural progresses by the law of nature. According to Khaan of Khaans philosophy that determines the geopolicy of Khaan of Khaans Belt the changes (geological development) of nature influence the human society and also we humans influence the nature. The purpose of the earth circling Khaan of Khaans Belt is to balance the interaction between human society and nature. Therefore the Khaan of Khaans Belt and its philosophy can be part of social and natural sciences.
  9. The reason why history repeats is that mankind doesn’t notice the relation between nature and human society
    The fact that history repeats is a real proof that mankind doesn’t learn from history. The reason is simple. When it comes to explaining the history scientists only pay attention to social factors. They always miss the important factor called the nature. In order to explain and understand the history correctly scientists must pay attention to the relation between nature and human society and their interaction. The science must explain the history using both social and natural sciences. Only thus scientists can make correct explanation to history that will prevent next generation from repeating the mistakes of their previous generations.
  10. Political alliance or the geopolicy of the Earth circling Khaan of Khaans Belt
    A political alliance between countries must have the same geopolicy that suits the law of nature. The success of a political alliance will depend on it. The countries that form political alliance must have the same natural condition. In other words, the alliance will surely fail if geographical locations where they live have different geological characteristics. Certain geographical area has the same natural criteria and the countries that exist in the area must follow those criteria. The alliance will fail if they don’t have matching geopolicy that suits their land. And when countries with different natural criteria form a political alliance they must follow the natural order. Certain countries have leading characteristics and such countries should lead the alliance. One country exists on a very old plateau and the other one is on very young land formation. In this case country that exists on older geographical formation will become the leader in case they decide to create an alliance. But present political alliances don’t have the right geopolicy because they have different natural criteria and order. On the contrary, countries that must lead the alliance are following the ones who must follow them. Such alliances are NATO and EU. They will fail in near future. When countries form alliance they must have one geopolicy that suits all members’ need and natural criteria. The ones who must follow must follow and the ones who must lead must lead the others wisely. You can’t go in two directions when you’re on one boat. It is ancient eastern philosophy. Chingis Khaan divided his The Great Mongolian Empire into four states and gave them to his four sons. Thus he created four different countries with four different natural criteria around the living land where mankind was born on this earth. But Chingis Khaan was the ruler of his country Khamag Mongol and the control of The Great Mongolian Empire was given to his sons. He was the ruler of Khamag Mongol not The Great Mongolian Empire. The reason why historians can’t distinguish Khamag Mongol from The Great Mongolian Empires is that historians don’t have proper knowledge of geology. And also geologists don’t have proper knowledge of sociology. It is main reason why scientists can’t explain the history and stop social conflicts that still rampage all over the world. 
  11. The geopolicy of the earth circling Khaan of Khaans Belt in geology
    The concept of geopolicy of the earth circling Khaan of Khaans Belt is formation of an alliance of countries with the same geographical or natural criteria. Earth is divided into many geological territories with different geological progresses. Some are older and some are young. Some lands are formed few million years ago and some are more than million years older. Territories that experienced the same geological evolution have the same natural criteria. And people or nations that originated in these territories have the same natural characteristics and the same geological ages. They become suitable partners to form alliance and the geopolicy of Khaan of Khaans Belt forms alliance or governing zones by uniting such nations. This concept is the right geopolicy that meets the requirements of natural law. In other words older nations lead younger ones. It is simple natural law.
  12. Archeological proof of carrying out the geopolicy of Khaan of Khaans Belt according to geologic time scale
    The earth circling Khaan of Khaans Belt carries out its policy according to geologic time scale. Many archeological artifacts that found by archeologists around the world are the proof that proves that the earth circling Khaan of Khaans Belt carries out its policy according to geologic time scale.  Archeological researches conducted on artifacts can give us much useful information about people of that time and their culture. Just like that archeological artifacts can tell us what kind of geopolicy was carried out in that time at the certain geographical location. Their shape, the symbolization and age can give us exact information about the astronomical time and the type of geopolicy that Khaan of Khaans Belt carried out that time. For example, 300.000 – 500.000 years old famous archeological artifact Venus of Tan-Tan can tell us much about its creators. It tells us about their belief, government structure, their geographical location and the time of their origin. And a geographical territory between the Chinese Plateau and location where Venus of Tan-Tan was found creates one geographical zone. Also Lion Lady of Stadel cave in Hohlenstein Mountain can tell us much about the geopolicy of the earth circling Khaan of Khaans Belt that time.  Even though Lady Lion was found about 40.000 years ago and Venus of Tan-Tan about 500.000 years ago they have one similar characteristic, they both were found in the west. But difference is not just the time. It is the location where they were found. The Lion Lady was found to the north from Mediterranean Sea and Venus of Tan-Tan was found to the south from Mediterranean Sea. They show different astronomical times.
  13. Proving the geopolicy of Khaan of Khaans Belt by rock and cave paintings
    Rock and cave paintings are important material proof of geopolicy of the earth circling Khaan of Khaans Belt just like archeological artifacts like Venus of Tan-Tan and famous artifact of Lion Lady of Stadel cave in Hohlenstein Mountain. They also give us important information about their creators. They tell us about geological time of their origin, astronomical time when they lived, their culture, belief, tradition, their technological achievements and their social development.
  14. Proving the geopolicy of Khaan of Khaans Belt by ancient mega structures 
    The world famous ancient mega structures like Stonehenge, statues of Easter Island, Chinese great wall and pyramids are the proof of geopolicy of the earth circling Khaan of Khaans Belt. They are real material historical facts that can prove the existence of geopolicy of Khaan of Khaans Belt even though they were built in different times at different geographical locations. Just like archeological artifact they tell us where, when and what kind of geopolicy was carried out by Khaan of Khaans Belt.
  15. Proving the geopolicy of Khaan of Khaans Belt by deer stones
    Deer stones are important material proof of the geopolicy of Khaan of Khaans Belt. Especially The belts curved on deer stones symbolize Khaan of Khaans Belt and deer stones are part of the culture of Huns. The culture of Huns was spread in northern parts of Eurasia and deer stones are spread in area where the Huns lived. The last time, Khaan of Khaans Belt has carried out its geopolicy by the Hun people only in northern parts of Eurasia. Even today the geopolicy of the Huns who lived in Tumen River many years ago still continue. Separation of Korea is also related with this geopolicy. North Korea follows the geopolicy of the Huns who lived in Tumen River. But South Korea follow own southern geopolicy.  Their geographical locations and natural criteria are different making Korea impossible to unite. And it is the main reason and unique characteristics of North Korean geopolicy. But unfortunately world politicians don’t understand the geopolicy of Khaan of Khaans Belt. Because of that, they can’t solve the North Korean problem.
  16. Statues of human and Gods are material proof of geopolicy of Khaan of Khaans Belt 
    The Greece is famous by statues in the world. The culture of statue is generally prospered in geographical locations like mountains hills, North Sea, and river basins.
  17. The geopolicy of Khaan of Khaans Belt started half million years ago (666666 sexagenarian cycles +40 years)
    The geopolicy of Khaan of Khaans Belt started half million years ago. It started by little Venus of Tan-Tan and progressed until it reached the mega structures. These material proofs are the indicators of the progress of geopolicy of Khaan of Khaans Belt. But the truth is this geopolicy was created when the first life on earth was originated. The statehood of any nation has geopolicy that shows their geological age and the origin. Some people say the first governments or statehood was formed only 2200 years ago. But it only shows these people (or nation) are only 2200 years old and they don’t know that someone was living even before them. Every nation or should I say race has own age. They see the world based on their own age and experience.
  18. Every religious teaching are related with law of nature
    There are many religions and teachings in the world. Almost each nation has its own religion. There is nothing wrong with that. It is just a part of geopolicy of Khaan of Khaans Belt. The geopolicy of Khaan of Khaans Belt has given to people religion suitable to their natural environment. The nature has one principle law with many different branches. You can’t live in cold northern parts of the earth by the tradition or philosophy of tropical countries. They both natural territories but they both have completely different environment with completely different needs. That’s why geopolicy of Khaan of Khaans Belt tried to educate people how to follow the law of nature using the concept Gods and their teachings. Different Gods, they represent different natural environments and different natural laws. This is the main reason why there are so many Gods and religions. The concept of God actually represented the law of nature from the beginning. But unfortunately in our modern day the concept God is completely distorted. Gods and their teachings originally represented the law of nature. Northern people can’t live by the teachings and ideology of southern people because it is against the naturel law. Southern people can’t live by the religion of Northern people because it is also against the law of nature. Thus the earth circling Khaan of Khaans Belt tried to educate the mankind to how to follow the law of nature. The law of nature has one principle but depending on its natural conditions it has different laws suitable for them.
  19. The geopolicy of Khaan of Khaans Belt and The Great Mongolian Empire
    Thanks to many historians it is proven that the Great Mongolian Empire didn’t carry out any genocide; it didn’t destroy culture or religion of any nations in 13th century. It is most important achievement in history of Mongolia in twenty first century. On the contrary, The Great Mongolian Empire formed the very foundation the Golden Age of mankind. In 13th Mongolia didn’t colonized Russia. Instead Mongolia and Russia created alliance.
  20. The geopolicy of the earth circling Khaan of Khaans Belt teaches the mankind to follow the law of nature by the teaching of Gods
    The main principle of geopolicy of the earth circling Khaan of Khaans Belt is to demand mankind to follow the law of nature and plan own government policy that is suitable to their natural environment. And when the rule breaks the Khaan of Khaans Belt takes action to prevent the natural distortion. In other words, negative human influence causes the natural disaster. The devastating earthquake of L’Aquila in 2009 had such reason. It was very difficult to talk something like this about six years ago and even today it is really difficult to explain it to people. Some people try to understand when they encounter something that they don’t understand but some people just start to hate just because they don’t understand. In order to explain the situation I have prepared 666 volume serial books that explain the philosophy Khaan of Khaans that rules 666666 sexagenarian cycles of the past and future. This philosophy is the main concept that determines the geopolicy of Khaan of Khaans Belt that circles the earth. I have been trying to explain my work to public since 2009 but there is not result. Even after five years of hard work there are still lots of difficulties. By proving the existence of geopolicy of Khaan of Khaans Belt and its philosophy we can prove that all natural disasters like hurricane, sea storms and earthquakes are caused by man themselves. Their wrong acts are the main trigger for all natural disasters that mankind has been experiencing. The only way to stop all natural disasters we need to rethink about the law of nature and stop the idea that we know everything about it. We still didn’t understand the law of nature fully. And especially today when the earth is shifting into its next stage of geological evolution it is really important to understand the geopolicy of Khaan of Khaans Belt. I have been trying to introduce my works to Mongolian government and Mongolian Academy of Science. They didn’t even try to understand it. I have asked them to check my works and conduct surface research and make scientific conclusion but they just ignored. In past few years mankind didn’t make any progress. They didn’t know even the existence of the Khaan of Khaans Belt and its long lasting geopolicy. This situation is delaying the new Golden Age of mankind that will bring the mankind into whole new level of progress. But this delay will trigger forceful natural shift that will bring huge harm to our civilization. The nature will start its own geological progress with or without mankind because nature has own life and history apart from mankind. The shift will become in short time forcing the mankind to accept its law. We know that such event happened seventy million years ago, the dinosaurs. The geopolicy of Khaan of Khaans Belt has been protecting the mankind and all life on earth to keep the eternal flow of life on the earth. But unfortunately mankind has been destroying the rules and conditions of geopolicy of the earth circling Khaan of Khaans Belt and going against it all the time. And today in order to preserve the life on earth we need to restore the earth circling Khaan of Khaans Belt. Ice caldera is formed in process of geological evolution. It is natural lake fed by permafrost around it. Suck lakes are formed after the ice age. From ancient times Khaan of Khaans Belt called suck geographical formation as Khukh Nuur of Khar Zurkh. It means Blue Lake of Black Heart in Mongolian and such lakes are fed by permafrost and glacier. And in order to clean geographical zones of permafrost from the dark energy of space and nature I have taken required action according to the geopolicy of Khaan of Khaans Belt at Khangai Mountains in 2008 and at Khentii Mountains in 2009. But unfortunately at that time my actions triggered series of earthquakes in central Italy. These events are connected because they occurred in one geographical zone. The earthquake of Italy in 2009 has two main reasons:
    1. First and most important reason: There is south most ice caldera at location where earthquake occurred. The south most ice caldera of Europe actually was in Spain but it disappeared in 1913. And after its disappearance Southern part of Italy has become the south most ice caldera of Europe. Of course the global warming played important role in this process. The global warming shifted the permafrost zone (or glacier) of Mediterranean Sea to the southern parts of Italy. I had a reason of mentioning the Venus of Tan-Tan because the geographical location where it was discovered showed the ancient border of cold climate zone or glacier and the permafrost zone of Europe. In other words, the border of European cold climate was beyond the Mediterranean Sea that time. Today glacier of the Spain is gone with the glacier of Pyrenees Mountains. Thus Southern parts of Italy have become the south most glacier zone.
    2. The second reason: It is related with the human factor or the human culture. In other words, it is distortion of geopolicy of Khaan of Khaans Belt. The people who live in southern part of Italy or at geographical location where earthquake occurred don’t live according to the natural criteria of that land. As I mentioned before southern part of Italy originally had cold climate and it is the land of glacier. But unfortunately people who live in there don’t have suitable culture and belief. They are people who live according to culture of people who formed their culture on non-glacier geographical territories. They just have different concept and philosophy that doesn’t suit the land where they live. Shortly people who live in southern parts of Italy, especially who live where the earthquake occurred don’t follow the law of nature of that place. Italian scientists didn’t do anything wrong. They didn’t mislead people. They should be freed.

      The earthquake of L’Aquila in 2009 is clear example of what happens when you break the law of nature. Italian scientists need to pay attention to prevent farther earthquakes in Italy. I have reason to inform about it people in 2014 because if I did in 2009 it wouldn’t make any sense. Many people would get angry. And if scientists can solve it in 2014 they can protect the geographical territories to the south of the Alps. These territories will be outside the geopolicy of the Khaan of Khaans Belt in the future. The nature in those territories won’t be able to regenerate itself. Understanding the real relation between human and nature is the most important condition to start out new history. Only by understanding this relation we can’t stop the natural disasters and provide stable life condition to our next generation. Therefore it is important to restore the Khaan of Khaans Belt all over the earth. 
  21. The earthquake of L’Aquila in 2009 is a lesson for citizens of Ulaanbaatar
    The reason of earthquake that will occur in Mongolia is the same as in L’Aquila. Present Mongolian geographical territory is the blue Mongolian territory. It has own natural law and conditions and from ancient times Mongolians lived there following its law. But unfortunately modern Mongolians have changed their original culture. The reason is related with series of historical events. But modern Mongolians already have lost their original culture that was created based on the natural condition where they lived. And in order prevent the disaster and explain it to Mongolian people I have made a press conference on 10th June, 2008. But unfortunately no one paid attention. Even when government seismologists warned that the earthquake activity is getting high in territories of Ulaanbaatar. In past six years I have tried to explain it to Mongolian government and other corresponding officials but still no results. I have tried to restore the Khaan of Khaans Belt in Ulaanbaatar but citizens of Ulaanbaatar didn’t accept it properly and the protection was gone. The earth circling Khaan of Khaans Belt protects land territories only in case people who live there officially accept its conditions. Territories that accepted the conditions of Khaan of Khaans Belt never experience natural disasters. On the contrary the nature in such territories always blossom. Today the number of natural disasters is increasing. The global climate and nature are experiencing huge negative changes. It is certain proof that mankind must accept the conditions of geopolicy of Khaan of Khaans Belt and restore it all over the world. This is the only solution to global natural crisis.
  22. Dividing the world countries into alliance without the knowledge of the law of nature will bring only disaster
    Today we can clearly see that the world is actively dividing. World great countries with huge influence are fighting each other to expand their territories. Unfortunately such event isn’t new to mankind. From history can clearly see that the world political map was always changing, some countries born and some perish. But the closes political map that is closer to our modern political map would be political map of 13th century. In 13th century Chingis Khaan has created his Great Empire changing the world political map and putting the beginning of the present political map. The Great Mongolian Empire was united empire but also it was separate. It may sound strange but Chingis Khaan was the Khaan of Khamag Mongol. He divided his empire into four different empires and gave them to his four sons. And he made his son Ögedei Khaan the main leader, the Great Khaan. These four empires formed The Great Mongolian Empire together under the direct control of Ögedei Khaan but also they had separate policy that suited their need. So The Great Mongolian Empires was one united empire but also separated. It is the main policy of Mongolian geopolicy. Those four empires were formed in four different geographical locations. The people who lived there had different culture, religion and different concept about the universe. It was impossible to rule them using only one policy. And today even UN controls the countries and nations by dividing them into certain groups like East Asia or central Asia. The geopolicy of Khaan of Khaans Belt never used one policy for all nations. There a single principle law or policy that rules them all but it has many different types that suited different nations.
  23. Crisis in Crimea
    Today Crimea has become victim of politicians who doesn’t have any knowledge in geopolicy. There are few reasons for the crisis. The government of Ukraine has failed to provide stable economy for its citizens, they’re trying to take back Crimea whey they can’t even keep unity in its own territory. Instead of solving problems by themselves they’re trying to take back Crimea with the support of USA and EU. Any country that can’t follow the policy of being united and separated is destined to doom. The Great Mongolian Empires has fallen because it couldn’t keep this policy.
  24. The geopolicy of the earth circling Khaan of Khaans Belt will restore the policy of being united and separated all over the world.
    The geopolicy of the earth circling Khaan of Khaans Belt has been carrying out the policy of being united and separated all over the world in past human history all the time. Even our modern world is still under its influence. This policy is a natural law that’s trying to protect the nature, the culture of people, their origin and concept about the universe. It is just like the nature. We all see the nature as one whole picture but we all know it has many colors. The policy of being united and separated has the same principle. It doesn’t divide nations based on economic interests or the desire to rule, or the fame. It divides the countries only based on their origin, culture and geological characteristics of the land where they live. But today world scientists need to research and scientifically prove the existence of the geopolicy of the Khaan of Khaans Belt to mankind.
  25. Fourth stage of restoring the earth circling Khaan of Khaans Belt in the world
    The fourth stage of restoring the earth circling Khaan of Khaans Belt started in Mongolia in 2008 the year of blue mouse. It was second important act that was taken after restoring the Khamag Mongolia. I have visited Europe few times as part of work restoring the Khaan of Khaans Belt. But after some time it has become difficult to continue my work in Europe because of financial difficulties and I could visit Europe in 2009. Instead I have restored the Khaan of Khaans Belt in Europe from Mongolia at Huh Nuur of Khar Zurkh.
  26. L’Aquila trial
    I have taken required action to restore the Khaan of Khaans Belt on 5-13 April, 2009 in Mongolia at location called Huh Nuur of Khar Zurkh. It is a lake that was formed by glacier. This lake and the geographical location where earthquake occurred in Italy in 2009 are located at the same geographical zones. I first plan was to visit Italy in 2009 but unfortunately I couldn’t go because of financial difficulties. Therefore instead of going to Italy I have chosen the right geographical location Huh Nuur of Khar Zurkh in Mongolia. In order to restore the earth circling Khaan of Khaans Belt it is important to take required action in certain astronomical times. The time and locations were correct. There wasn’t any mistake. And after when I took all required actions an earthquake occurred in central part of Italy. As I mentioned before these lands are connected because there are at the same geographical zones. It was obvious that there would be some effect in Italy. But I didn’t know about it right away. I heard the news only on 14 April when I came to Ulaanbaatar. Before my work I have explained about the danger of ignoring the restoration of Khaan of Khaans Belt and what kind of danger will come if it isn’t restored properly. But no one tried to help me and they just ignored me. To put it simply, the geological change occurred at Huh Nuur of Khar Zurkh will influence Italy because there are at the same geographical zone. We all know what happened in L’Aquila and why scientists were jailed. But scientists did warn the possible danger of earthquake. They have detected the activity long before the earthquake. They tried to warn people. Pacific Ocean underground tide was started when the earthquake activity was getting high in Italy. Pacific Ocean tide influences the geographical location of Khukh Nuur of Khar Zurkh causing crust activity in Italy. This is the main reason of the earthquake of Italy in 2009. And when it happens it was must be stopped according the geopolicy of Khaan of Khaans Belt.  And I took action at Khukh Nuur of Khar Zurkh on 5-13 April 2009 to stop the Pacific Ocean tide.
  27. The most important act of preventing the natural disaster is to destroy the trigger
    The only way to stop earthquakes in Italy is to understand the natural link of Khentii Mountains of Mongolia and Italy because they have almost the same geological age (crust formation). The earth crust formation and its ages are the main basis of the geopolicy of Khaan of Khaans Belt. In other words the land of Italy and Khentii Mountains formed almost at the same time. They’re naturally connected lands.
  28. The geologic age and the concept of the universe
    It is important that the belief and concept of universe of people match geologic age of the land where they live. Greece and Russia accepted the Orthodoxy thanks to the geopolicy of the Khaan of Khaans Belt. That is why Russia must take Crimea back. And countries who don’t know the geologic ages of Greece Plateau, Russian Plateau and Crimea Plateau deny the separation of Crimea. These three plateaus are the lands where first and seconds suns rose. And if we see the lands of countries who deny separation of Crimea they’re usually swamp areas. People who live on the same geographical location with the same age have the same thinking and belief. Thus we can see that people who live on the same geographical location with the same geologic age have the same thinking and belief. United States of America, European Union, South Korea and Canada are triggering earthquakes in their countries, especially eruption of the Yellow Stone in America by opposing the Russia. Many animals started to evacuate from Yellow Stone because they already sensed the danger.
  29. Stopping negative social phenomenon against the law of nature
    Natural disasters are getting more active in fifth and sixth geographical territories of the earth. It will get worse and negative social phenomenon that tiger it must be stopped and only the Khaan of Khaans Belt can stop it. The world politicians need to understand it quickly. If they ignore it and don’t take required measures fourth, fifth and sixth geographical zones will be cast out of the Khaan of Khaans Belt. It is similar to being forgotten by Gods. Such measures are taken because if world politicians don’t accept it. Such act is considered as going against the geopolicy of Khaan of Khaans Belt.
  30. Stopping negative social phenomenon against teaching of Gods
    Russia with long lasting political history and experience claims that the God with us. They have reason for that. It is related with geological characteristics of Russia. Whoever goes against the Gods are destined to perish. If mankind goes against Gods it will punish them by natural disasters. Gods will punish mankind by the fire, flood, earthquakes, hurricane and freshwater deficiency and even money can’t save you. Therefore uniting under the Khaan of Khaans Belt is the only way to survive.
  31. The earth circling Khaan of Khaans Belt will determine the Golden Age of sixty sexagenarian cycles
    Starting from this year 2014, the earth circling Khaan of Khaans Belt will completely control the world freshwater supply. It will give freshwater to countries who officially accept the policy of the Khaan of Khaans Belt. And who goes against it will not have any supply of freshwater. The Khaan of Khaans Belt controls the mankind by controlling the global freshwater sources.
  32. The new tide of Tethys Ocean will start Golden Age by the geopolicy of Khaan of Khaans Belt
    We all know that almost every country of the world had own Golden Age. The life was originates only in Golden Age. All nations were originated during Golden Age. But today we’re all having difficult times. The Golden Age starts new level of progress, new ideas and new beginning. But nations can’t start own Golden Age. Therefore social progress starts to decay without Golden Age.
  33. The geopolicy of Khaan of Khaans Belt helps the nations to start their Golden Age
    If any nation can’t start their Golden Age it does that with the help of the geopolicy of the Khaan of Khaans Belt. It is natural process. The geological history of the earth’s crust can tell how the Golden Ages have been starting in the past.
  34. The lost civilizations are the ones who couldn’t start their Golden Age
    Even today the whole world couldn’t completely accept the fact that Chingis Khaan started the Golden Age of mankind in 13th century. It is also fact that many countries will face the destiny of the lost civilizations. It is time to accept simple facts that if world countries are in no condition to start their own Golden Age they need to accept the geopolicy of the earth circling Khaan of Khaans Belt.
  35. Desertification and Global warming are the sign of distorting the process of starting Golden Age
    Current tendency of mankind is that they’re distorting the process of starting the Golden Age. The sign is the desertification and global warming. It is caused by disharmony of geopolicy of mankind. They don’t follow the law of their natural environment causing the negative natural activity. They can’t leave their old concepts delaying the beginning of the Golden Age.
  36. The Great Mongolian Empire and the geopolicy of the earth circling Khaan of Khaans Belt
    Thanks to many historians many people started to look at the history of The Great Mongolian Empires differently. They start to accept that The Great Mongolian Empire have put the beginning of mankind’s Golden Age. Many countries started to look at their history differently. Mongolians didn’t carry out any genocide against any nation. They addressed conquered countries as political and economic partners including Russia in 13th century.